We all officially met for the first time on Tuesday evening, May 20, at 5:00 in the living room of the Adare Guesthouse - 11 expectant, curious, anxious, tired, bewildered, and almost giggly monks and our two fearless leaders. Let me introduce you:
Christine Valters Paintner, Abbess of
Abbey of the Arts, and her husband John Paintner, our "Prior". They've been living in Galway now for about 18 months. A really fun and delightful part of this trip was their living room! A circle room at the top of their apartment building in Galway, looking out over Galway Bay - doesn't get much better than that! Their apartment became one of my visual landmarks for finding my way around the City, and it was funny how many times some of us would pass by their building, look up at the tower and wonder if they were up there watching us. Kind of a child's image of "God" watching over us. Made me feel safe and warm - still a kid at heart.
Abbess Christine and Prior John |
Their view of Galway and my all-time favorite dancing monk, Hildegard of Bingen |
Meet the happy monks:
Alix, Barbara (in one of many hats), Heath, Lisa, Marie and Martha Louise |
Maura, Polly, Rebecca, me, and Zohra Ahmed |
We all officially met that Tuesday evening, but before the night was over Spirit had breathed Her Oneness into all of us. Our hearts truly were united. I've never met a more kindred spirit.
We had a opening ceremony, then walked to the first of a number of wonderful dinners, then met again Wednesday morning for our first outing around Galway. We hit some of the same places I had found on my own, but Prior John filled in the blanks. It was cold and a little rainy - a "soft day" in Ireland.
These are a few photos I took of the city and our tour. Enjoy.
One of many beautiful windows in Galway's Cathedral |
Windows and frescos

Prior John introduces us to St. Nicholas Collegiate Anglican Church
We do love our red doors! |
And our pipe organs. I thought of Paul Butts and the St. Timothy's choir.
I'm so grateful for the beautiful music in the Episcopal/Anglican Church.
Beautiful icons

We learned a little of the City's history as we walked down the old streets. |

Seattle and Galway are "sister cities", each having a marker like this pointing the direction
to the other city. I had already thought that the landscape of Galway reminded me of Seattle.
Now I know why - two of my favorite places on earth.
Monks love their towers. John's and Christine's Abbey with a view. |
Where I ate my first meal in Galway - Pizza and wine, of course! |
For my son Barton and grandson Isaac, and all the other music lovers in my life.
All kinds of music everywhere. |
Last but not least - where I spent my money. I think Fuller's may
have been sad to see me go! |
So fun to see where you trod!!
Just wait...the best is yet to come!
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