Sunday, November 8, 2015

Gospel Challenge, Week Two - The Treasury

The Treasury

“...contributing to the treasury…
she out of her poverty
has put in everything she had…”
Mark 12:43-44

I see him standing there in his long black coat and hat,
his prolific gray beard having never been trimmed,
the feathers of his sidelocks
at the corners of his bobbing head
catching flight in the morning breeze.
He mumbles his prayers from the treasury of his heart
and places scraps of paper in the crags of the stone wall.

Gray matter her wailing wall and prayer book,
she reaches in and pulls out
tattered and faded souvenirs
of times and places her heart has been broken.
She recites those memories back to her God
and reminds him of promises he may have forgotten.

For some unexplained reason,
my thoughts go back to our Gulf Coast
beaches last summer
when sand and sea lay hidden
beneath several feet of thick, brown sargassum,
rank and decaying.
It had washed onto the shores from the heart of the ocean.
The tourist industry wanted to sweep it away so its trade would flourish,
but ecologists ask us to let it stay.
As it piles up and rots,
it not only holds tiny and fiercely biting mosquitos,
but also holds the sands
and allows dunes to build
preventing the beaches from eroding.

His scraps of paper,
her faded memories,
rank seaweed from the ocean depths
all prayer.

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